[quote=Chris Scoreboard Johnston]…
Also the PPT’s manipulation with SP 500 futures to keep this stock rally going has resulted in this market being more over valued here in many ways than it was when the Dow was at 14k. They are doing it now to help them spin the story that the stimulus plan has worked and the stock market rally is proof of that.
Barry is using the PPT in ways it was not used in the past….[/quote]
I tend to mock conspiracy theorists, but back in March, I caught a whiff of something odd. Everyone was very worried about the impact of the plunging markets on the solvency of many major financial institutions, and lots of people were calculating exactly how close to the precipice various companies were, and how it was changing day by day. I was involved in those calculations, and could see the level of concern.
Then, all of a sudden, those calculations all stopped, and the level of concern dropped. And since then, we’ve had nothing but good news from the markets. Note the order. It’s almost as if the key players in govt told the key players in the financial community that they would do “whatever it took” to get the markets back up again, starting immediately, and they followed through.