Chicago? Yes, many people from California dream of moving to Chicago. Btw, your assumptions on the pricing is not fact:
Here are some examples from U-Haul of its current one-way rental rates for a 26-foot truck:
From Dallas to San Francisco: $734
From San Francisco to Dallas: $2,116
From Houston to Los Angeles: $706
From Los Angeles to Houston: $2,051
In both cases, it’s almost three times more expensive to rent a truck to leave California (from San Francisco or Los Angeles) and move to Texas (Dallas or Houston) as it is to leave Texas and move into California, suggesting that there is a huge outmigration of trucks and people away from California to Texas. Given those conditions, U-Haul simply prices its one-way truck rentals to reflect the differences in the relative demand-high prices for the high demand to leave California for Texas, and low prices for the low demand to leave Texas for California.
“When comparing California with Texas, U-Haul says it all. To rent a 26-foot truck oneway from San Francisco to Austin, the charge is $3,236, and yet the one-way charge for that same truck from Austin to San Francisco is just $399. Clearly what is happening is that far more people want to move from San Francisco to Austin than vice versa, so U-Haul has to pay its own employees to drive the empty trucks back from Texas.”