I do write in a unconvential manner and have worked on it for years. Agian I have things I would rather do than cut and paste from Word back to this blog to ensure I am being loud and clear.
You are insulting and you mask it in a lanuage that is condescending.
I am sure that there is a long line of people as the military is downsizing and those kind of jobs are in demand with ex-military. I still take expection to the fact you think a lot of us can’t hack it.
You are wrong.
I stand by my original comments.
I don’t really want to get in the middle of this, but don’t you think you can be pretty condescending as well, CE? You often talk about how union workers are somehow less worthy than you when many of them are every bit as educated, intelligent, and hard working as you are. It goes both ways.
Besides, if everyone who could become an engineer did so (and there are a LOT of people who could do it, but choose not to), how do you think that would work out for existing engineers, like yourself? Be careful what you wish for.
As for the “copy and paste” accusations leveled at BG, I’ll throw in my 2 cents. I “copy and paste” because so many people here don’t do any research and refuse to believe what other, more informed (about the particular topic) posters have to say. It’s all about facts and evidence, and I would say that we need MORE posters to actually cite facts and data, not fewer. Opinions don’t really mean very much in the absence of facts and/or logic…and even logic requires a decent grasp of existing facts. I paste relevant text with the links because it’s very clear (and unfortunate) that people do not even bother to read the linked material.
As for your writing skills…I think they’re just fine. We cannot all be experts in everything, which is exactly why we should not all be engineers (or whatever you seem to think is a “worthy” occupation). It’s the division of labor that makes our economy and society thrive.
Let’s ALL show greater respect for what others do, irrespective of whether or not it’s union or non-union, public or private.
In Iran, female engineers have displaced males, bringing down wages, etc. So they’ve decided to ban women from these university programs! They’re claiming that it “undermines the home and family,” but it’s equally because they are taking jobs from men…too much competition in the sciences. This is what happens when we create a situation in which only one, or a few, jobs are considered “worthy.”
And now, for another “copy and paste” job… 😉
“Female students in Iran have been barred from more than 70 university degree courses, popular British daily The Telegraph reported on Monday.
The new policy introduced by the Islamic Republic of Iran, resulted in 36 universities announcing that 77 Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BSc) courses would not be offered to women in the coming academic year.
Senior clerics in Iran have become concerned about the social side-effects of rising educational standards among women, including declining birth and marriage rates. Critics have termed the move as a attempt to undermine the fight for women’s rights in the country.
The move prompted exiled Iranian human rights campaigner, Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi to call upon the United Nations to investigate the matter.
Iranian women students have outperformed men over the years, where in women have outnumbered men by three to two in passing this year’s university entrance exam.
As per the new policy, women undergraduates will be excluded from courses in some of the country’s leading institutions, including English literature, English translation, hotel management, archaeology, nuclear physics, computer science, electrical engineering, industrial engineering and business management.
The Oil Industry University said that it will no longer accept female students, citing a lack of employer demand, while another prominent university, Isfahan University gave the same reason for excluding women from its mining engineering degree programme, adding that 98% of female graduates ended up jobless.
Ebadi, exiled in Britain, wrote to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and Navi Pillay, the high commissioner for human rights, saying that the real agenda of the policy was to reduce the proportion of female students to below 50% – from around 65% at present.
“[It] is part of the recent policy of the Islamic Republic, which tries to return women to the private domain inside the home as it cannot tolerate their passionate presence in the public arena,” says the letter, which was also sent to Ahmad Shaheed, the UN’s special rapporteur for human rights in Iran. “The aim is that women will give up their opposition and demands for their own rights.”
The new policy has also been criticised by Iranian parliamentarians, who summoned the deputy science and higher education minister to explain.
However, the science and higher education minister Kamran Daneshjoo, dismissed the controversy, saying that 90% of degrees remain open to both male and females and that single-gender courses were needed to create “balance”.
It is noteworthy that Iran has the highest ratio of female to male undergraduates in the world, according to UNESCO. Female students have become prominent in courses like applied physics and some engineering disciplines.”