[quote=CDMA ENG][quote=UCGal][quote=briansd1]
I had dinner with my brother and some friends last night. Someone mentioned that we needed a war to jumb-start the economy.
Because the two wars we’re already in have done such a great job of jump starting the economy? Seriously – what was your brother thinking is currently happening in Afghanistan and Iraq?
It might work if there were (had been) domestic cutbacks at the same time the defense spending skyrocketed… Instead we had the two wars put on the nations credit cards – and now the bills are coming in. No one wants to cut back on the war, or anywhere eles.[/quote]
Plus the only way a it “jump starts” an economy is when you rape and pillage another country. Then destory thier manufactoring infastructor… And be the only supplier of goods and services within the world… So unless you are thinking about going to war with China, Vietnam, India, and most of our european allies… This doesn’t sound like a well thought out plan.
Precisely. It’s not “war” that stimulates the economy, but the taking down of one’s competition and taking control of their natural resources.