Nope… Not me… I am not in that group. I think you are quite reasonable in most other areas. …But you do get a bit zealous, when discussing unions, and your mind is not open on this subject…
I am quite capable of being a jerk… This is just not that time.
Missed that bit of theater when they called you Anvil sister… funny though…
Thanks for the clarification, CE. I thought you were a part of that name-calling nonsense.
Question: Are you open-minded about public unions and the costs/benefits of privatization? When presented with facts that counter your beliefs (and that’s the majority of facts and data, as far as I can tell), why does it seem as though you have ZERO desire to even consider that your beliefs might be based on propaganda instead of real-life evidence?
One of the largest and best examples of privatization would be in the military/defense industry. Look at what’s happened to our spending as we privatized more and more. The never-ending “War On Terror” has been largely perpetuated by those who benefit most from it.
“Here’s a historical chart of U.S. defense spending since World War II in inflation-adjusted dollars. There’s a big spike for the Korean and Vietnam wars. There’s another big ramp-up during the 1980s under President Reagan. Then defense spending got cut significantly during the Clinton years until soaring to historically unprecedented levels after 9/11.”
“The years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks have been a boon to defense contractors. Back in 2001, Defense Department contracts totaled $147.9 billion. After that, contract spending went up every year to a high of $402 billion in 2008. Add up the full decade of post-9/11 spending on defense contractors and it comes to $3.3 trillion – nearly as much as the entire federal government spent in 2012.”