Debate? What fucking debate? Shall I just make a list of all those opposed and all those for. We go round robin on this and get no where. I do not think there is a single person who has changed their minds on the subject so before we start hating each other even more let’s move on to something like pool furniture and what to do with it after labor day…
Not sure about you, but I don’t feel compelled to “hate” anyone just because they have a different opinion about a particular topic.
Maybe this is why we keep going “round robin” on this. Some posters are debating topics based on facts and logic, while others base their opinions on emotions.
You can’t debate if you don’t have a good grasp of the topic, and I’ve seen far too many people who have spewed complete bullshit about this topic, without any regard for fact-checking or getting the very basics down before going on emotional, envy-based, vitriolic rants. Before posting about a topic, one should do some actual research into why these pensions exist, what was given up in order to get them, how they are supposed to work, why they are not working now, what the LEGAL and ETHICAL solutions might be, who is behind the attacks on the pension system (and unions, in general), and WHY.
Those who are “opposed” to unions and pensions are usually the ones who have never worked in the public sector, never been a part of union negotiations (especially in the public sector), have no idea how these negotiations work (like claiming that the unions and the public employers are “on the same side of the table”), don’t understand why these employers use pensions as part of the employees’ compensation, and don’t even understand the very basic facts regarding how they are paid and who pays for them. I can show you thread after thread where these idiots have had their asses handed to them by those of us who actually understand the subject and can back up our arguments with FACTS.
Again, if people want to avoid these discussions, stop starting these threads and stop making ignorant remarks about pensions and public unions. Until then, expect to be taken to task by those of us who know WTF we are talking about.