[quote=CDMA ENG][quote=Blogstar]No arrests so far, when he came out with a gun to diffuse the situation I told him to go call the cops if he couldn’t deal with things. He did, and the police were completely unimpressed by any thing either of us had to say. They would not tell him to leave me alone even though he admitted I had rights to be doing what I was doing. They simply said he doesn’t have to listen to them. They may have told him not to give the impression of trapping me with his vehicle or they may not have. They do not want to deal with any of this kind of garbage. 99% of it does not end with someone actually shot even though a lot of it does because there are so many semi-crazies. Who knows what kind of lies the other guy tells the cops.
All the worst threats were when I was alone but the police told me they really didn’t care even if there were witnesses …the guy has some skill at trying to manipulate people sort of getting in trouble. The cops really want this stuff to go to civil court. Maybe after an injunction or something like that they would care more. There is so much of this stuff and so many people like this…when you call them they just treat you like you are as much a part of the problem as the other person.
I have talked with a lawyer even before the coercive letters and more harassment. He basically said what someone else on this thread said…court, even when you prevail doesn’t make a leopard change his spots…
A lot of people think video is the thing , the police tell people to take video, of course they do, but they want videos of hard core crimes not intimidation/bullying or even blatant verbal threats, yes he tried to slap the phone out of my hand it’s pretty evident on the video but not perfectly, but the cops won’t care![/quote]
Lol! He came out with a gun to diffuse the situation? Hardly believe a judge would buy that.
This is not a rational person.
Missing comma! When he came out with a gun, to diffuse the situation , I told him to call the cops, which he did. I haven’t seen the gun since. I was on a tractor with no phone. I know that’s weird that I told him to call the cops, I just wanted to break his momentum and let him to be the one to make the useless call so the cops would see and hopefully document how off center he is.Not saying I wasn’t afraid of the gun and all but I wanted to get him to leave. It worked out o.k. I went home when he left to call the cops and I should have kept working until they arrived and after and never quit using the easement and tried to put a stop this nonsense while police visit was fresh.