[quote=CDMA ENG][quote=bearishgurl][quote=tc]I am a union stagehand. And I find that to be unacceptable.
I can also assure everyone that reads this that the stagehands in the San Diego theaters make enough to take care of their families and pay for a mortgage on a small house and no more. And many of us work 60+ hours a week.
Also the average non-union stagehand earns $14 an hour with no retirement or healthcare. So when they end up in the ER guess who ends up paying the bill.
And on a final note next time you go to a concert and look up to the 140,000 pounds of equipment over your head. Who do you want hanging it? A person making just enough to share an apartment with a bunch of other drug attics or a guy who has a family and a home to take care of.[/quote]
I’d want YOU to install it over my head, tc, with all of the professionalism you have always demonstrated.
You’re probably aware that SD isn’t NY and the salaries here are a far cry from those in NYC, yet the cost of living here is the same or close to NYC.
Some of these jobs which are “unionized” no doubt look like a walk in the park to a lot of these Piggs who likely couldn’t possibly perform them themselves. Nor would they live in the “small (modest?) house” you bought with your “lavish” union wages.
Case in point: your $14 hr non-union counterpart whose family may be regularly utilizing SD’s emergency rooms who may or may not be doing the exact same job as you and likely doesn’t stay past a year on the job.
Thanks for posting, tc.[/quote]
I have done this exact job as a non-union memember (sic) in Las Vegas and I can tell you the Union Guys werent (sic) that good. In fact many times my team was called in to do the job when the unions guy (sic) weren’t getting it done fast enough cause “this guy can only do this and that guy can only do that bullshit”.
So don’t tell me that shit BG about many Piggs being incapable… It’s insulting to the point I have to say somethine (sic). Been there… done that… and stayed in school cause the jobs were a “nowhere” job and to expect anything more of it was ridiculous.
Stage rigging is not rocket science though I will admit it is tough work to turn a show in 24 hours and a certian (sic) degree of can-do and creativeness is required. That is true of any job.
And yes… they dont (sic) make that much money but I dont’ (sic) want to hear that bullshit comment “union guys do it better cause they are paid too.” Terrible arguement (sic) that continues to be brought up evey (sic) other minute on this site.
I am tired of your attitude concerning the white collar profesionals (sic) on this site. You have a case of white collar envy.
Most of us weren’t born with a silver spoon.
I came from a lower middle class broken home. I worked construction roofing houses three stories in the air. I worked for AD Scenery (if you want validation of my story). I have done all of those Dirty fucking jobs to get to where I am today as a degree’d (sic) engineer and I know a lot of ppl here went to the school of hard knock (sic) as well.
So for once get off your high fucking horse. If you had it so figured out, which you want ppl to think from your 1 page “googled” rants, why arent (sic) you suceeding more in life? Don’t tell us you are exactly where you want to be and doing what you want to do.
I could be a cop… or a firefighter… Plumber… or any other of these jobs… Why?!? Cause like I said I had to at on point in my life and knew that it was a stepping stone to another better job. I HAVE THE PYHSICAL (sic) APPITUDE (sic). I HAVE THE MENTAL AS WELL. As many ppl on this board do.
So stop making poor assumptions of other and saying stupid things.
I will do any job that I have to in order to make it in this world.
Right now, my job, as an engineer, is to tell union people and non-union people… how to do theirs…
Shove it.
CE[/quote](remarks/emphasis added)
I’m going to refrain here from telling YOU to “shove it,” CE, because I so very much enjoy “reading” your (very insightful and “telling”) posts.
You know that you and I have been down this road before …. at least once. Namely here:
[quote=CDMA ENG on May 11, 2012 – 4:30pm.] . . . And for the latest time… Everyone is fed up with “try it for yourself” arguement (sic)… I know I can do 99 percent of goverment (sic) jobs… I don’t need to tryi (sic) it. I’m a smart guy… Maybe not a treffic (sic) writer or speller because I am too lazy to put this in word (sic) first… But I could do police work, fire, administrator, planner, or whatever but I can say this… Most of those people couldn’t do my job.
By your own admission, you fall down the rabbit hole in the “report-writing” category.
CE, I don’t have a red pen to use on here but I daresay that you wouldn’t have been able to even get through the POST academy for those public law-enforcement position(s) you (once?) aspired to because you obviously had/have rather glaring problems with spelling, sentence/word structure and punctuation. If you were not/are not able to write coherent reports (to be reviewed by your superiors) about each “incident” you were a party to for every shift, I’m here to tell you that you wouldn’t possibly be able to “make the grade.”
Oh, and, by the way, those daily “reports” are often written “on the fly” while sitting in a vehicle, with no time to repeatedly consult a dictionary, thesaurus or The Elements of Style.
No matter who your choice employing-agency was/is, multiple lawyers and judges could very likely see many of your reports and even show them to juries. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news here but law-enforcement hiring agencies cannot hire recruits who appear to be “borderline illiterate,” which, as public entities, would obviously reflect back onto them. Thus, these deficient recruits wouldn’t be able to finish the academy in the time allotted to do so.
For your sake, I hope you have use of a competent secretary with your current employer. It takes ~15-20 years on the job for a small portion of former law-enforcement recruits to obtain the use of professional secretarial services on the job (by being promoted 2-3 times). And this individual does NOT usually write their reports for them.
Sorry for the hijack, tc. I couldn’t resist. Keep up the good work!