[quote=carli]Flyer, I’m not sure what you mean by you’ve encouraged your kids to develop their passion and discover a clear path to their goals. That’s what all supportive parents do. But it’s a stretch to imply that the way to ensure happiness is to have a clear direction upon college graduation. Also depends on what your definition of “lost” is…a kid who graduates from college without having a specific career in mind may not feel lost but rather open to exciting options. It’s all in the perspective. There’s no question that someone probably won’t be happy or successful by forever wandering aimlessly through life, but that’s not what we’re talking about.
Not taking anything away from you or your kids, who have all apparently discovered their passions early on, but there are way more examples of uber successful (and presumably happy) people who either stumbled upon something or tried various paths until they found their exact passion or direction as they went along.
This discussion reminds me of the question of which is better, a broad liberal arts education or a more purpose-driven STEM education? It could be argued either way and there is value in each. Both can produce extremely happy and successful people in any field. There’s not a one-size-fits-all formula, and it puzzles me when people insist that the path they’ve taken to success and happiness is the path everyone should take.[/quote]I believe in the broad liberal arts curriculum. I actually tried to convince my kids to apply to a 4-year state college (OOS) which offered that (along with several very highly-accredited business programs). ALL of them could have gotten a full ride there for four years making my cost just <$200 month for 1/2 utilities for an on-campus apt (for 2 students) plus food. But they all declined. They wanted to stay in Cali and work in Cali after graduation (getting jobs by way of networking) and that's what they did/are doing. They didn't want to live where it snowed.
If I had a do-over in life, I would get a liberal arts education (but likely major in a business discipline). I really like rural campuses, esp Humboldt State University and UC Santa Cruz. I also love the atmosphere around Cal (Berkeley).
I think the degree you have, Carli (English) is more valuable on the job market than Sociology (by itself). But like you said, your son is smart and will eventually find his way.
I just fear the cost of living in CA coastal counties (mainly rent) is going to crush millenials (if it hasn't already), especially those who do not have enough education (or the "right" education) to land a decent, full-time job with a living wage and benefits. So if this group wants to remain here for the long haul after graduation, they had best get their sh!t together ASAP after graduation, and, by hook or crook, obtain one of the available local "living-wage positions" and start to work. That's what most graduates of LA area/Bay area public universities do. They typically don't move that far away from campus for their first jobs and may not even move from the (off-campus) housing they lived in while attending college. And they seldom seem to return "home" after graduation (unless it is from LA to the bay area or vice versa).
I think it's much harder in SD County to land a first FT job (with benefits) after graduating from university. SD County is somewhere a college graduate would aspire to transfer into LONG AFTER they begin their career (5-15 years later) in another locale.