CAR once again it is your entire point of view comes from your own perception. You fail to consider any other point of view. As I said many a poster on this site owns rental property or multiple rentals.
You make is sound as if passive income from rentals is some crime against humanity. You therefore slot any other people who earn income from rentals as doing something that is in your own words, “not the right thing to do”.
I had my first rental when I was making less then 40k. I know many many families who are doing much better with rentals and make middle class money and are quite happy as opposed to putting that money at risk in the stock market.
Let’s make darn well sure that over the past four years the current administration has bailed out Wall Street, and furthermore been at the helm of all these institutional deals that you want to whine about. The current administration has also been 100% on board with all of the measures that keep people who are slaves to underwater properties in that position. Let’s not forget that with all of the inventory there would be plenty of properties available for everyone, investors and owner occupants alike. Furthermore if policies were enacted that wouldn’t give ANY IDIOT a loan then that would serve to provide a stronger foundation for homeowners. Mandatory large downpayments would go a long way as well. Contrary to your point of view home ownership is NOT A RIGHT. Most of the problem is an entitlement attitude that we “had” to get people in homes. It was shared by republicans and democrats and was plain wrong.
Once again, Romney said nothing about these sorts of institutional deals and programs that were given birth UNDER THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION. In fact letting the foreclosures happen TAKES MONEY AWAY FROM the super rich. However rather then addressing that issue of the fact about letting foreclosures happen, you jumpt to a conclusion about what happens to the inventory based on programs that exist today under the current administration. You have nothing with regards to facts what Romney would do. You have speculation.
I on the other hand have seen four years of TRILLIONS of taxpayer money move from the public to the very very rich… It is amazingly hypocritical but it is nothing that I don’t expect.
You take a very fair and level statement and jump to a conclusion that is speculative. Whereas you conveniently don’t comment on what has gone on.