[quote=captcha][quote=CA renter][quote=outtamojo]Renters don’t get breaks? Renters get free fire and police protection and those with kids get free
schools and anything else property tax pays for.[/quote]
Unless the landlords are in the red every month for the same amount as their property taxes (after deductions are taken into account), then it’s the renters who are paying the property tax — through the landlord.
If the landlords are making a profit, then they are the ones getting something for free.[/quote]
It depends where you sit – if the property tax was not deductible the landlord would have to charge higher rent, so the deduction flows through the landlord to the renter. Having the landlord pay the tax just makes it easier for the government to collect.[/quote]
Rents are determined by the market. Landlords do not get to choose to raise rent beyond what renters are willing to pay, which is why so many “landlords” are running in the red each month. Also, many landlords (like mine) who bought many, many years ago, do not pass those savings on to the renters — they keep it as profit.
But yes, taxing the LLs instead of the renters makes it easier for the govt to collect the taxes.