I love the mountains and adventure, so I think in these terms. For me, when I am looking to kick my workouts into high gear, I think in terms of preparing for a goal. Looking pretty for me is not sufficient motivation, but kayaking a new river or climbing a new peak gets the job done.
Currently, I am hoping to climb epinephrine in Red Rocks over thanksgiving. Its and 18 pitch 2000 ft climb done in a day. Mostly filled with challenging and scary chimneys. There are many stories of people spending an unplanned night and drinking water from a stagnant pot hole. If I am to accomplish this goal, I need to get my butt in gear. My ankle is not helping the matter though.
So I know you love biking, so but your training regiment in those terms.
Dedicate yourself to riding a century, or completing an Olympic triathlon. If you have a goal in the not too distant future, you can motivate yourself to sticking with it.
For me at least, my exercise wains without that drive towards getting to the next step in my progression.
Kick some ass, and train twice daily if that is where your ambition leads.