[quote=CA renter][quote=NeetaT]”Specifically, individuals with annual incomes more than $500,000 — as well as families earning more than $1 million — would face a 5.4 percent income tax surcharge.”
I can now commiserate with people who try to hide income. Let’s punish initiative. This is truly socialism in its most profound form.[/quote]
You say they have “initiative.”
I say they have “the right connections.”
Just look at who makes the most money: executives and people in the financial industry. These are industries/positions where connections mean much more than intelligence and productive capability. Wealth and hard work/productivity are not directly correlated, IMHO.[/quote]
Well, let’s see CA Renter. I was just hearing something like 800 cops in LA made over 200k last year with OT. With a working spouse it would be pretty easy to go over the limit in one of the bills that is 250k. Those OT working cops are not fat cats milking their connections…