[quote=CA renter][quote=FlyerInHi]Ocrenter touched on an important point.
There is definitely a gun culture in America. People arent using guns to defend shit.
They just want their toys.
I have guns because of my peers. Wish I had bought many more guns because they are worth a lot money. But I’m pretty indifferent to the issue.
Some people feel very strongly about their toys. It’s a manly man cultural thing.
But really, who says that guns can’t be taxed and registered? We have right to property in America but if we don’t pay property taxes, the government will take our land.
Furthermore, when the framers of the constitution wrote it, the gun technology we have today did not exist. What’s the definition of a gun anyway?
There are many way to interpret the constitution.[/quote]
Wow. Talk about a load of hysterical nonsense. I’m female (and have been a victim of violent criminals, so not a manly-man thing), and am also a staunch defender of our right to own guns. I have used guns in self-defense, but this was never reported because they were never discharged, BTW, so those statistics don’t count in the data for guns used in self-defense — and this is very common. I have NEVER considered the ownership of guns to be anything like owning “toys” or some other kind of status symbol. Your perspective about gun owners is horribly warped.[/quote]
You are clearly the exception. 90% of gun owners are men. I don’t know if FlyerInHi’s description of gun owners represents a majority of gun owners, but I have little doubt that it is more representative than your own situation.