[quote=CA renter]
That’s why BG and I have been talking about the hiring and training involved with public service. They do background checks (including interviewing neighbors, former employers, friends, etc. in many cases), psychological tests (personality and IQ, in many cases), credit checks, etc. During training and probation, they pay attention to the personality traits of the recruits/trainees to further weed them out. What your seeing is the “cream of the crop.”
But I do have to add that Texas (not sure about NM) has moved more and more toward trying to save money on law enforcement…lowering pay and eliminating pensions and other benefits. They are seeing a lot more problems as a result, as one would expect.[/quote]
I’ve heard there are actually private sector screenings that are even more rigorous.
I think you might be right about Texas lowering pay etc…and getting lower quality cops. I mean the police in California are outstanding.
BTW, does anyone have an update on the Fullerton cops that murdered Kelly Thomas (and charged with murder)?
Oh, and what happened to the cop(s) who shot and killed a man (shot in the back) last year in Anaheim?
Did anyone besides me think that there was probably valid issues raised in Chris Dorner’s manifesto?
It was really sad that LA area cops shot up innocent people during the search for Dorner.