“But it makes little sense to plug in an electric car to your outlet in your garage if that power is just being generated from carbon atoms like coal or oil….We need more Nuclear Power plants to be the source of the energy…If we could only get the bleeding hearts, save the dolphin crowd and the earth first people to stop equating nuclear power with nuclear bombs.”
Wait, we shouldn’t equate nuclear power with nuclear bombs? I guess you’d be cool with Iran deingvelop a nuclear energy infrastructure, then, since the two have nothing to do with one another. 😛
I agree that nuclear power plants are far less the problem than the hippie movement thought they would be, but that’s mostly true because the cat is out of the nuclear weapons bag.
Also, it’s true that plug-in cars are shifting the source of pollution to other hydrocarbon sources, but a major power plant has a better chance of exercising strict emissions controls than millions of individual cars on the road. Also, the whole idea is that over time, we’ll develop more and better clean energy sources, and replace the dirty ones.