Bush is a royal screw up. His general incompetence/lack of curiosity is scary.
Republicans deserve to be punished hard for nominating Bush twice for the presidency. I gave up in 2000 trying to convince Republicans to support McCain over Bush.
Republicans openly support the big and small business alike. There are no hidden agendas.
Democrats are worse. They pretend to champion the little guy. They collect tons of money from the same Wall Street interests that ran this country down. You won’t have any Democrat asking how Obama is shattering fund raising records.
The achiles heels for the Democrats are illegal immigrants, public employees, entitlements.
It is ridicuous to pamper government employees with pensions etc. when people in the private sector are being creamed.
The Democrats support for public schools and opposition to school choice/vouchers is the singular reason for home price appreciation price war that have destroyed this country. The damage from this misguided policies exceeds any damage Bush could do.