We hired a recruiting agency to hire contractors, and one of the buffoon contractors cold called people at my company asking if they would like to be a contractor to work on a project at my company. Lol.
Market look pretty good in San Diego imho.[/quote]
FWIW – When hiring for a position, I would have someone (or more than one) person in your company submit a fake resume through the online system that is reasonably like the person you are looking for and see if the recruiting agency picks it up. I have talked to a number of people in HR and the screening software is not great. It assumes that people will use the buzzwords in the posting and use them in the right context. Especially when it comes to engineers/CS types (and I have read a lot of stuff written by engineers . . .) their writing skills can be a little non-standard. (Not always – I know I am going to hear about that one.) Add to that the issue of a lot of your applicants being people for whom English is not their first language . . . It seems like it’s not a great system – some smart CS person on this board should think about coming up with something better.