Based on your previous posts, I suspect you may actually be the one “degrading” the luxury brand image. 🙂
I suspect that there is a relatively high percentage of people in the SoCal area that really can’t afford their car. Perhaps it is their ego, or a sense of entitlement. I suspect that many are ones that lived large during the bubble and are now trying to avoid the repo man. Alot of people are fully bought into the car culture saying “you are what you drive” and wouldn’t be caught dead in a “practical” car.
Bubblesitter[/quote] I agree with the last part of your blog. I suspect its people who were over their head on the home, foreclosed and don’t want to give up the lease/ownership of the car. By the way, buying a 2-3 year old benz can save up to 65% of the original cost. Great way to save a bundle and still look good around town.