[quote=briansd1]How productive is it to antagonize others and show your pride when they are showing theirs?
Wait until your own event to show your pride.[/quote]
From your statement I am guessing that you would advocate specific days for Americans in America to outwardly demonstrate pride in their nation in order to ensure that those who are from another nation are not antagonized while demonstrating their own nationalism for a nation they are not presently living in and would probably not return to.
Brian, what days do you recommend I demonstrate my pride in the United States of America and our national values in order to not antagonize anyone? I would appreciate your specific input since you appear to be very sensitive to groups which may be offended by my actions.
Brian, did the students who wore the clothing containing an American flag “ask” for a fight with the Mexican students? I beleive that is was the school administrators use of precognition that allowed them to see what MIGHT have happened but did not actually happen. Also do you beleive that my actions and posts on this board which are antagonistic to your views will lead you to become involved in a violent situation with me? I think Rich should intervene and ban all of my thoughts on this subject until July 4th when I can freely express my national pride.
[quote=briansd1]This kids who dug deep in their closets to come out in flag-drag were just asking for a fight with the Mexican kids. I think their parents were the one who encouraged their children for press coverage.
Only low-class trash would do such things[/quote]
Brian, I am guessing that since the Mexican-American students wore clothing and other items of Mexican national pride that these items were also purchased or provided by their parents. Did they do this to obtain press coverage? Also would you consider the Mexican-American parents to also be “low class trash” for doing so, as you described the parents of the American children?
I recommend that you spend some of your evenings and about $30 per class at the San Diego community college brushing up on some of the liberal arts education that you clearly are missing. You don’t even understand how your arguments are indefensible based on your own view of liberalism and our nations enshrinement of individual freedom of expression even if it is in fact antagonistic or hateful to others.
If you would like to live in an environment of complete polite speech I have head that Sean Penn is a big fan of Hugo Chavez’s free republic of Venezuela where they jail those with antagonistic viewpoints especially regarding nationalism.