I’m not pessimistic about the world. It’s this 18th century social organization devised by pre-science enlightenment philosophers and based on abstractions that we are running that I am pessimistic about. It’s past its shelf-life and starting to stink.
Economics, is essentially politics wrapped in complex math to give it the veneer of scientific legitimacy. [/quote]
Arraya, I think that you’re far ahead our times.
The truth is that money makes the world go ’round. Money motivates people. Without it economic activity would slow down to a halt. And that would not be good for our standard of living.
As you suggested before, will some technology replace money? Not for a long time, IMHO.
I’ve said that, maybe one day, we’ll achieve a Star Trek like world where we work looking forward the the permission to enjoy the hollow deck.[/quote]
Since we’re threadjackin here may recommend the book “The Singularity is Near” by Raymond Kurzweil. How do I sum it up..hmmm…I guess it predicts how people will merge with technology and explores the good and bad. Think of it as a legit version of Art Bell episode.
I always liked Star Trek for the same reason that I liked the original Law and Order. They both made you think but in different ways. The technology of Star Trek is ridiculous in some ways.
The biggies are what happens when machines become more intelligent than people and what happens when people augment their own intelligence with technology. To take the second part and transition into politics. I am left wondering whom will be allowed by the PTB to augment themselves, can that be even controlled, ect ect. A big can of worms.