[quote=Blogstar]That’s just over the top, A bunch of random people go to anyone’s job and get in the way, guess what , the cops are going to get called! Why don’t we just crash government hospital surgery rooms and get in the way, fuck it they are public servants. Lets go crash a state college class and not let the teacher teach, fuck it she’s a government servant. Let’s go to court crash up scaredy’s closing arguments to save some poor guys soul, who we think may have killed someone, that’s the people’s courtroom, fuck it, he’s a government servant.[/quote]
Exactly, Russ. I honestly don’t think that most cops are afraid of cameras because they like to be thugs and commit horrible acts on innocent people…most cops are just trying to do their jobs in the most efficient and effective way possible. Most people would not want a bunch of obnoxious people in their faces all day with cameras when they are just trying to do their jobs. Add the violent/emotional component of many calls, and it’s easy to see why cops want to do their job unimpeded.
It’s still reasonable for people to stand at a distance to make sure things are kosher, but they do NOT need to be in cops’ faces when they are working.