Yes, I remember your radio show with Ben (didn’t know you had Rich on as well), and you were right in many of your predictions on the blogs. Also, your “on the street” observations (early on, when the numbers were not showing any deterioration just yet) were much appreciated by me and many others!
As most long-time bears can attest, it’s difficult to not indulge in a little Schadenfreude…if only because of the extreme hostility and flat-out denials that RE could ever go down.
Thanks, Rus! There are good Realtors and bad ones, and the realtors on this blog are of the “good” variety! 🙂
Your (and the SD Realtors –big and small) insights are also much appreciated.
You have to admit, it was tough on the bears in the 2001-2005/6 timeframe. I’ve had every friend, acquaintance, and member of my family — with the exception of my dad — give me a lot of grief for selling and renting. Straight-up screaming matches with the MIL who accused me of keeping her son from ever becoming a homeowner again (I was the one who owned a house when we married).
Sometimes, when we’re under so much pressure for so long, it’s hard to be humble when it turns out we were right.