Sorry you are upset, but you flat out don’t know what you are talking about. I was not bailed out. I lost over $100K easy in profits on my July-Sept. 2008 oil shorts because of the bank bailouts and that money funneled back into the commodity futures market. [/quote]
Let me see if I understand. Besides investing in a house during the bubble, you made another investment in shorts and b/c that decision didn’t make you money then living for free is not considered a bailout. And I’m irrational.
[quote=BillS78]Did you lose over $100K on investments because of the bank bailouts? [/quote]
That was another business decision you made. No one forced you to do it.
Bullshit. I lost more than you did on investments(unless you were heavily shorting) because of the bank bailouts and I bet that I also pay more federal income tax than you. [/quote]
Again, just b/c you chose to invest in shorting doesn’t ever guarantee you are entitled to a return on your investment. In the interim, you are still nevertheless living for free.