[quote=bibsoconner]Anybody want to dust off their crystal ball and tell me if now is a good time to buy some stocks for the long term?
Buying qualcomm stock in 1995 opportunity of a lifetime.
Bitcoin anytime before 2018 opportunity of a lifetime.
I missed those too. Oh woes me.[/quote]
got lucky holding some stocks I purchased in the late 1990s that compounded way above the market index,… so I guess that qualifies as an opportunity of a lifetime
I’ve been investing in pre IPO startups involved in the environmental sector (which I’m pretty certain will survive ‘over the long term’ AND hopefully will give me great returns)
PS FWIW “time in markets rather than trying to ‘time’ the markets” is what seems to work over the long term
give ya an example one strategy I used and worked really well before the 2008 sub price crash was momentum trades (i.e. “the trend is your friend”),…
basically momentum trades worked for a while, then that strategy pretty crashed and burned
fortunately I was playing the market for some time before the subprime crash,… so in hindsight view the subprime crash as a short term rough patch (because I stayed invested)