Probably galvanized piping instead of copper (can get plugged up with calcium salts)
Watch out for work where both copper and galvanized is used (dissimilar metals create galvanic action which corrodes the pipe)
Possibly real roughsawn 2x4s
Possibly Lath and Plaster vs wallboard (quieter house, improves insulation).
Fiberglass insulation standards are not a good.
1970’s late
Some earthquake retro may be needed.
Switch from Lath & Plaster to wallboard.
Construction started switching over to copper piping, watch out for flexible plastic plumbing – it was at its infancy and had problems. Type often used was polybutylene(PB)
2x4s no longer 2″ by 4″.
Slight insulation requirement improvement, windows still a problem
Start of large scale housing dev, keep an eye on manufacturer defect patterns on developments
Earthquake retro needs may be limited to how waterheaters are mounted etc.
Large scale housing dev, keep an eye on manufacturer defect patterns on developments.
Because of problems of PEX plumbing, fewer manufacturers used it from this point on. Watch out for ‘do-it-yourself-ers’ though.
Shear-walls went from angled 1x12s to 4×8 plywood sheets, particularly on lower floors of multi-story. Significant improvement on rigidity/shear strength/earthquake resistance
Starting to see pre-stressed concrete garage floors, prevents cracks but do not drill into them.
Start of ‘imported’ cheaper labor – with all that it brings.
Large scale housing dev, keep an eye on manufacturer defect patterns on developments.
Improved insulation requirements.
Almost entire outside of house is now ‘wrapped’ as a shear-wall.
Pre-stressed concrete garage floors, prevents cracks but do not drill into them.
Improvements in flexible plastic plumbing. Transition to Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX). One advantage of plastic plumbing is that it is more resistant to breakage under freezing conditions. On the other hand, doing it right is an issue – too many amateurs.
More info on Polybutylene(PB) plumbing:
Polybutylene has been involved in several major class action settlements.
Over a billion dollars has been paid from settlement funds.
Some hazard insurance companies will no longer insure homes piped with this product.
Some home warranty companies exclude PB leaks from coverage
There is more.. but gotta get working on some other stuff right now..