nsr, re: RIV Co, it is a classic case of the “chicken and the egg syndrome.” All that influx of hundreds of thousands of people would never have moved in there were it not for the abundance of cheap tract housing. In 1990, the bases were still very much alive but it didn’t have too much more “redeeming qualities” except tourism in select spots (Palm Sprs, La Quinta) .[/quote]
Well, I came in the 90s.
Nothing about CA housing was cheap comparatively, even at the bottom of the cycle in the 90s.
The CFDs didn’t cause the population boom. The California mystique did. It takes a few years for the reality versus mystique gap to become annoying.
Then those people flitter back when they realize the California they thought and the California that is, are two very different places. Meanwhile, Cali is importing poverty in droves.