[quote bearishgurl]I wouldn’t be able to find the post you speak of, uco, but this statement speaks volumes about your current “mindset.” I didn’t have a parent with NPD but I could well imagine it must have been a “hard row to hoe” for you, especially while a minor. Have you ever heard of “inverted narcissism?”[/quote]If find it quite amusing that you throw out all these accusations of mental disorders to those that may disagree with you, and in the process avoid the issue, which was:
You adding in a dig against someone who was making a self effacing comment. Their comment was in no way addressed to offend you. On the other hand, your comment of
Not a psychologist but there is just one word (acronym) to describe this “phenomenon” . . . “NPD” (formerly DSM-IV-TR 301.81).
was specifically targeted at that individual. It was uncalled for, and did not add anything to the posting or discussion thread. As such, the only purpose would be to bait that individual, possibly making yourself feel better in the process. Your seeming justification was:
It worked (for awhile) until he recently “fell off the wagon.”
it is/was actually sdr who has taken every opportunity over the years to publicly insult me and put ME down..
But considering the posting, it looked like it was you who fell off the wagon.
I don’t know if you have had children, but there are two phrases that come to mind in the scenario where one child is caught doing something they shouldn’t and proceeds to say: “Well he did it first!”.
1) “That may be, but I caught you doing it just now.”
2) “Two wrongs don’t make a right” – real oldie there.
In the past, both you and sdrealtor “gave as you got”.. no real winner. There is no point in baiting now. You ask what I would do if the shoe was reversed? Certainly not try to ‘bait’ them by insinuating that they have NPD. I would de-fuse and redirect their statements, or ignore them altogether. The end result is that if they give repeated insults etc, they end up impeaching their own character through their actions. I certainly would not return with “Global Thermonuclear War” – a game in which neither win.
You state:
I was taught a few valuable concepts early on, however, which have served me well throughout life: Those are:
* To call a spade a spade (person, place or thing).
And that is exactly what I was doing when I addressed your first post about NPD on this thread. It was, and is, uncalled for. By doing it, you only stoop to what you perceive is sdrealtors level. ie: Kettle, pot.. which comes from the phrase: A kettle calling the Pot black.
And note that sdrealtor’s post after yours was:
Lol. I actually checked wiki for the NPD definition. Some of it fit but most didn’t. The biggest part is I don’t do it for admiration from others it is all internal motivation.
. Not even an ounce of personal attack against you.