FSD, would you rather be coming and going from the office as you please (to finish some tasks at home) or work 1-2 full days per week from home while the laundry is going and your toddler and preschooler are sitting on a blanket watching TV (for “free”) and subsequently “bothered” by your smartphone 12 hrs per day, OR:
dress up, commute EVERY day, five days per week, arrive 20-25 mins early so you can pay to park (must have correct change/no monthly pkg avail), walk seven blocks to the office, check in with supervisor immediately and do “face time” all day until the “bell” rings at 5:00 pm and then walk (uphill) in a dress/skirt back up to your “cheaper lot” in the dusk/dark where you find a homeless person who has spread his sleeping bag next to your right-front wheel and as you approach your vehicle you discover he is urinating on your tire.
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t do the job that requires walking the streets in the dark/dusk wearing a dress.