[quote=bearishgurl][quote=FlyerInHi] . . . Machado says that Trump was mean and cruel to her. Trump does not not deny he called her miss piggy and miss housekeeping.[/quote]
I’m not sure why he hasn’t emphatically denied it. Last night I watched 2 videos (one lengthy) where Anderson Cooper of CNN asked her point blank if Trump had called her “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping.” She deflected the question and insisted that SHE was the spokesperson for ALL Latinos (wrong!). Cooper grilled her on her criminal past in South America and she ADMITTED TO IT, stating, “I haven’t been a saint but that’s not why I’m here. I speak out for all Latinos, blah, blah.” In spite of now finally attaining US citizenship (did the INS ever investigate her criminal record in SA??), her (broken) English isn’t the best. She also VOLUNTEERED the statement, “No one is paying me for this. I’m doing it on my own.” Cooper didn’t even ask her that . . . he could barely get a word in edgewise with her! In the beginning of the interview, she initially complemented him and thanked him for having her on his show … clearly for the purpose of her stumping against Trump and for HRC.
I also watched a recent interview of her by Fox News’ Megyn Kelly (a trained lawyer), who asked her point blank if there were any witnesses present when Donald supposedly called her those names. Again, she deflected the question and used the the Fox interview to stump against Trump and for HRC. She initially appeared nervous at the beginning of the Kelly interview and was even shaking a bit.
Both commentators were incredulous and just congratulated her on her recent US citizenship and dismissed her.
I don’t understand why this loser is currently getting so much airtime as it doesn’t seem to be a slow news cycle right now. Her 14.99 minutes of “fame” have been over for at least 48 hrs and she should now go back to posing nude for mag rags and making South American porn films, where she belongs. She could very easily be summarily impeached in a US court of law in very short order by a law-student-in-training, lol.
Can’t HRC’s campaign drag anyone out of Trump’s “archives” more credible than Machado??
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How does anything she has ever done excuse a US presidential candidate from calling her Miss Piggy or Miss Housekeeping? I asked you before and I don’t think you answered. Do you think that rape is sometimes the fault of the victim? Is something she did in Mexico, unrelated to anything being discussed, the least bit pertinent? There is nothing that needs to be impeached. Trump has essentially admitted that he’s called her everything she claims, he just falls back on the same misogynist excuses you just used.