Trump, Trump, Trump. This is the shit I’m afraid off.
[/quote]There’s no need to be “afraid,” AN. Notice that most of the Trump protestors and those claiming Trump is a “racist” are nearly all misinformed, impressionable college students of the 18-22 year-old set. These are people who have likely never voted in a general election in their lives and are thus very inexperienced in studying the issues. Many (most) are lacking in critical thinking skills and are very impressionable.
Check out the video below of a young (thoughtful) TX worker-bee (~30 yrs old) driving to work on his MC with two hero cameras (one facing him and one facing the road). He’s of Hispanic descent and states he grew up in a border town (El Paso or McAllen??) and traveled to MX often while growing up. Throughout the video where he considers all of the candidates out loud (and why he’s leaning towards Trump), he complains about a lot of his “facebook friends” calling Trump a “racist” without any justification and complains that he is unable to have an intelligent conversation about the real issues with any of them. It’s pretty enlightening to hear what Joe 6p young Hispanic voter thinks about the current crop of Presidential candidates. I can tell you that he is not alone … not by a long shot. don’t care if Trump is telling the truth or not. But I know for a fact that most of his supporters are white,poorly educated and a decent portoing of them are racist. Hence the video I posted and is what I’m afraid off. Trump brings these crazy out of the woodwork. Although I’m not a Hillary fan, I would vote for her in a heart beat if Trump is the nominee. Hoping that she would give him a beating he’ll never forget and hoping that the majority of Americans are against these racist comments he makes and the racist and intolerant people who support him.
Although it might not make make difference for me voting for Hillary in California but I will definitely vote against Duncan Hunter if he run for reelection specifically because he endorsed Trump.