You can argue whether any one issue is important enough to justify her firing, but for me its not one issue. There are many issues involved but it was all distilled with crystal clarity, at least for me, when she voted yes.
I’m now going to have to pay to directly bailout the assholes who’ve made housing unaffordable and the even bigger assholes who made the whole thing possible and some posters here have the chutzpah to say that alone shouldn’t be enough to vote her out. “What the fuck,” is all I can say.
PS I’m a life long Democrat so this isn’t a matter of me just voting against the other party.
I am with you Josh. Lifelong Democrat here too. Voted since age 18, and I have never missed an election, even the smaller ones.
Many times I have considered voting a third party, and have not ever done it. But, I am through. This time I am going to vote Nader, and as far as the 53rd District is concerned, I will vote for the Libertarian on the ballot. It seems especially clear now that we must have a 3rd party.
I was at Henry’s today, and when leaving, someone working for the Democrat party wanted to chat with me. I told her I was tired of the Democrats and mentioned Susan Davis’ and her vote for the bailout. The lady just gave me a disgruntled look.