Back to the OP … brian, do you not think if the US borders were closed to further immigration tomorrow that the US does not now have enough people to sustain it now and on into the future?
And is the US somehow going to be short workers and professionals in every field if they don’t keep accepting H1B visa applications, etc??
And lastly, who do you think does the vast majority of “grunt work” in northern states and in flyover country states which are more than 1000 miles from the US border? I’m speaking here of cattle ranching, sheep herding, hay baling and transport, septic/leachfield cleanout, truck loading and unloading, running farming equipment and other heavy equipment, collecting eggs, milking, cleaning out slaughterhouses, etc …. Um, more often than not, it’s “white” and “black” people . . . usually longtime residents or natives of that area and/or state … or “heirs” of the farm or ranch they’re working on. Every single agricultural area in the US isn’t completely infiltrated with “Mexicans.”
If there were no illegal workers in CA performing these duties, then the legal residents would have to take them over, plain and simple. If your longtime home is off the SR-99 for example, you have to take whatever job is available at the time or move. I know several people, who by all observations, look “white and are “white” but grew up in the likes of Delhi, Merced, Colusa, Turlock, Lodi, Visalia, etc. Most in their 60’s now, they never wanted to leave their family members behind and thus never moved away from their hometowns. All their lives, they worked at whatever jobs were available in their areas and some of them are still working part-time.
CA doesn’t need illegal immigrants and it certainly doesn’t need any more. Unfunded Federal mandates to take care of every undocumented worker and their families (medically, keeping food banks stocked, schooling w/”free breakfast/lunch program”) is absolutely financially crippling this state and many of its counties to the point where many local public agencies can barely function and run out of money long before June 30 every year.