[quote=Astrid Rey][quote=flu][quote=Astrid Rey][quote=temeculaguy]I do not dispute any of your assertions phaster, just trying to correct brian’s comment where he said the conservative court will likely take the case. He was missing the point as to why there were recent posts because the news of the day was they already reviewed and declined to take up the case. As a follower of scotus but not the city’s pension I was trying to point out and give an analogy that brian’s comment was akin to saying that team X will lose the game because of y, when in fact the game ended an hour ago and they won. And as a younger man I would have challenged him with a wager, seeing that he was predicting the outcome of something that already happened and the result was the opposite of what he predicted.[/quote]
Why are so many of your posts about someone named brian?
I fear you may be suffering from brian derangement syndrome.[/quote]
FlyerInHi was really BrianSD before BrianSD got banned for threadjacking and threadcrapping just about non political thread with irrelevant political shit. It was one of the few times anyone got banned from an otherwise anything goes blog.
Not long after BrianSD was banned, FlyerInHi appeared, doing relatively the same thing, with though slightly more subtly. However, it really is the same person. The writing style, the subjects, they same political dribble….probably the same IP address. Old timers know FlyerInHi is really BrianSD, trying to fly right below radar to not get banned twice…That’s why, occasionally, you’ll see him dig up old threads that with the only purpose to stir things up by posting progressive versus non progressive thing, even when the majority of old timers who were only here for real estate and finance content have long gone. And then when someone calls BrianSD out for doing it, he will disappear for a few days, or make fake post about the economy or real estate just enough to remain under the radar for getting banned again for threadjacking and threadcrapping…although no old timer really posts here regularly to ellicit care from the site owner to ban BrianSD again….
You see, there are several political threads that really are about dialog. and there are the threads that BrianSD post that are meant more to troll….so much that even some moderate leaning people have told him to shut up. it’s not that there is really anything wrong with some progressive ideology or democrats or moderate social issues…But BrianSD, again for the purposes of trolling, intentionally adopts an altleft persona just to stir things up while being an extreme hypocrite at the same time .. That’s why , despite years of telling others that “we” should pay more taxes , and the government should regulate more, to the point we thought he was just vomitting from the mouth .. there was sort of a really hysterical moment when he posted on one thread about how he was pissed with neighbors who apparently filed a complaint with the HOA of one of his properties because apparently BrianSD was doing some remodeling without getting the required HOA approvals or building permits and was complaining about rules, regulations, and the hassle of doing thst…something BrianSD in his soapbox had been preaching all along …to which the rest of us were laughing our asses off thinking he sort of had that coming …Or there was the other instance when he went off a tangent about how people should pay more taxes to support the poor, less fortunate, and more social programs…and then not so long down the same thread of posts on that subject, a few of us got him to admit he use to buy stuff online with the specific purpose of avoiding paying sales tax…. These are the sort of classic BrianSD moments that are just golden. For every other moment there is a nice ignore button.
So for a lot of us old times, we know what he’s really doing. He feels he needs a forum to post his trolling alt left viewpoint, despite his own hypocrisy. Piggington is the perfect place for him to do it because literally it’s unmoderated. Thats why he continues to threadjack and threadcrap and start new threads on this sort of subject instead of doing this, say on Faux News blogs. He wants an audience and needs an audience so he can get on his extreme trolling alt-left soapbox without getting slapped in the face and banned like he has or would be on any other website. There is an excessive compulsive like addiction between alt-left post by BrianSD and this real estate website…just like some people are addicted to chocolate, and some people are addicted to porn… and others are alcoholics… same thing…
And that is why TG have said what the hell is going on here.. Because everyone remembers how this site was and who occupied just about every thread now… It has nothing to do with Trump or democrats, though the shear mention of Trump does have a tendency to polarize people immediately, which is an interesting thing. I guess it’s the same reaction some people get when they hear AOC, lol….(I hate both of them frankly, before you accuse me of being a Trump lover…but then again, I always believed America is great because politicians never know what they are doing so long as they can’t agree on how to waste our money, they tend to leave is alone. which is why as awful as some Republicans and Democrats are, you want a mix of both of them so neither of them can do anything drastic in our government, except very important things…..
There are other people that come here that specially post off tooics too. Phaster and BG(aka berishgurl) love to stir things up specially talking about public pensions. Phaster loves to post about pension crisis and doom and gloom government implosion.. I think he has his own blog previously about peak oil, and since that was proven to be a myth, I think he’s posting here trolling for eyeballs on his new subject flavor of the month…BG is enjoying living off a government pension and of course doesn’t want it to get taken away and so gets defensive when someone mentions pension reform. after all, there were some really nice beds in some of the government workplace bathrooms that she use to use regularly use while working, according to one of her posts…We wouldn’t want things like that to be cut because of a government budget crisis!
Any other question?[/quote]
The other thread is a political troll disguised as a real estate question
I tell you it is just like the bubble days with different sides and cliques, both of them believing what they choose. Except now it all centered around politics and Trump. Even when people say they don’t care about Trump they write about Trump.
I can understand why people are upset about Trump. He is after all the president and an embarrassment for the country. But for every person here that complains about Trump there is someone that complains about brian or some posters they do not like only because they are not on their side. And then they complain about derangement syndrome, lol. Maybe everyone has the same disease.[/quote]
yup,… the disease is called “human nature” and since you mentioned in the other thread
[quote=Astrid Rey]
March 16, 2019 – 8:11am.
The crooks became a part of our community and used the church to recruit their victims. I saw how they replaced the faith of my family in Christ with the faith that real estate was the answer to everything.
and flu mentioned the favorite topics of some of the so called piggington irregulars but neglected to mention his own contributions to this community forum,… figured I’d share one bit of hypocrisy which includes something I noticed (perhaps it was divine intervention?!) and though was funny
Oh pri-dik, or whateever your orginal handle is…Sorry man, Since BG left, someone has to fill in her show to annoy the fuck out of you with long paragraphs of useless shit with 0.000001% truth buried in it…on a real estate blog… I’ll make it a point to do this every friday, after happy hour 🙂