“As an Asian American, I’m really sick of guys like you using the “they grew up in a non-English speaking household” argument to defend the Hispanics that have been here for 20 years and still speak no English. When at the same time most Asians grew up also in non-English speaking homes and end up being high income professionals.”
Sure you might have come from a non-english speaking household, but did you come from a household where your parents did not have a 3rd grade education? It’s a tough cycle to beat and those that do deserve all the credit in the world. If you are one from this background you really deserve all the success you will have. But this isnt my point and you taking me away from my point.
Bright kids will do well where ever they go as long as they come from good homes that value education. The API scores are averages that skew towards areas without economic diversity. In Encinitas some schools have higher API scores but take a good kid from a good family with involved parents and I question whether they will do any better or worse at the worst school or the best school in the district. My point is to take the time to look inside the data and not just take it for face value.