I IMPLORE every single Occupier in the this nation to watch and share this video. The legislation that this fascist government and administration is worthy of Nazi Germany. And, that is NOT an exaggeration. It is a fact. I can not do justice to the implications of this bill, please watch the video.
Again and again and again, Obama has betrayed the American citizenry and governed for expansion of corporate & military power and profit. And, again and again and again, many of his supporters have rationalized/justified/or even championed policy and appointments from the Obama administration that would have drawn near universal protest and outrage if implemented by Republicans or the Bush administration.
This must end. It is time for Occupy to not only challenge the corporate power structure, but unflinchingly challenge ANY politician or political party that governs against the people for the expansion of corporate/military profit.
I do not know how a single American, democrat/republican/independent/green or otherwise can support ANY politician that would codify indefinite detention without charges or trial against American citizens. It is insanity. Yet, if we march forward and move along with the circus act that is the two party stage corporate election circus of 2012, we are all enablers of the destruction of our constitution and unraveling the last tattered remnants of our democracy.
There is no lesser of two evils. There is now only evil. And, it is up to us to stand with courage to create a different alternative and dialogue to solve this crisis.
Obama can’t be the Occupy movement’s nominee. Neither can any of the Republicans. They do not and WILL NOT represent us. This bill proves that fact beyond a shadow of any doubt.