Arraya–way to go. People need to stop being in denial, but I don’t suppose that will happen anytime soon. Oh, your video on Monkeys was brutal, and I liked it overall, but I really don’t like the comparison to monkeys. I like monkeys. They have been abused in research for years.
Patientlywaiting–it is NOT the men in the military that are breeding beyond control. I concur with Navydoc. I can only tell you from 12 years experience working with sailors and their families, that it just isn’t the case. Occasionally, I get a family that is on Navy Relief and keeps having kids. The majority of the families I see have 2-3 kids AT most. And, yes, the majority of my work is with the enlisted guys.
IMO, the problem is the illegal aliens (politically correct term is undocumented) over breeding. I see that every time I go to CVS. I also teach at a local University, and I don’t want to give out too much info here, BUT, I can tell you that the legal immigrants (students) aren’t putting out a ton of kids. They are socialized to the American way, and generally have 1-3 kids at most. Sometimes the students service families that are illegal, and these families ARE putting out a lot of kids. Here is a REAL case:
Case gets referred to due to a referral to Child Protective Services. Father has been illegal construction worker for 20 years. Mother is also illegal, been married to father for 20 years. She speaks NO English and does not work. Children ALL born in US. They have 6 children, in a clean, very small 2 bedroom house in Barrio Logan. One kid is involved in the Social Services system, another teen is involved in the Juvenile Justice System. They receive EBT and other services from the State.
Don’t see this kind of scenario with our sailors. Of course they are underway and deployed most of the time, so perhaps that is a factor. But my gut feeling is if they were home more, their families would be more stable, and I don’t see them making additional kids.
I don’t know the stats or research, I can ONLY tell you what I see.