[quote=AN]With that said, I think you’re just having a case of grass is greener on the other side. Would CV schools be where it is with the reputation it has w/out the kids from those tiger parents? Mira Mesa schools can use a few more tiger parents. Just look at the API scores of the subgroups. TPHS and MMHS are pretty comparable until you get to the Asian category. TPHS Asian blew by MMHS like it was standing still. Would CV be fetching to premium it does w/out its schools?[/quote]
It isn’t just the schools in CV. It’s just as much the families. A handful of them might be tiger families, but I’m guessing most are not. There’s a culture both within the school and in the kids homes where academic achievement is a good thing. Kids study. Few of them work. (I’m talking about the high schools here.) There aren’t a lot of behavior problems. There isn’t a lot of bullying. The kids in band are just as cool as the football players or the basketball players. There are as many AP classes available as a kid (or parent) could want. My daughter got straight A’s. She could have taken 2 more AP classes. She wasn’t in the top 10% of her graduating class. (They dont publish class rankings, i think in order to avoid competition. I only know that because there’s some special UC entrance benefit for graduating in the top 10% of the class.) That means that at least 10% of the class too more AP classes than she did AND got straight A’s.
I think if you put these same kids in almost any school, they’d perform almost as well. And unless things have changed dramatically in the last 5 years, these are NOT mostly tiger parents.