[quote=AN]Thanks SD R. That was exactly my point. It was directed at Brian for making a sweeping statement of wait and you be rewarded. However, sdcellar seems to have a really hard time seeing the forest from the trees.
sdcellar, since you attacked me for numbers I pull out of thin air, you obviously thinks that it’s wrong and it can’t possibly happen; I like to introduce you to the 70s. Even more recent, I like to introduce you to last year, where rates went up 10%, yet price didn’t drop 10%.[/quote]And you make equally sweeping statements in return. What’s the difference?
And on this 10% higher rates thing, is that another nonsense number or is it literal?
Rate one-year ago, 5.04%. Rate today, 4.93%. Highest rate over the past year, 5.59%, June 11, 2009. By August 20, back to 5.12%.
As far as I can see, I don’t see any sustained period of higher rates over the past year. Still near historical lows as far as I can tell.