[quote=AN][quote=spdrun]Frankly, the world might need a collapse to set things back a few decades. Right now, the trend is to more control, more automation, more surveillance. It would be good if innovation was stopped in its tracks (or at least slowed down) for a few decades so we had time to think where society is going, and whether we want it to go there. Delay the Singularity, so to speak.
If it results in some level of mayhem, so be it.[/quote]
What make you think it’ll be only a few decades? What if it turns out to be a few centuries and the only ones left standing are the 1% and we all are sold into indenture servitude? The 1% can afford to buy their private armies to protect themselves.[/quote]
During deflationary times, the wealth and income gaps narrow, sometimes drastically.
Inflation is what gives the 1% their power. Deflation gives workers (and others living on a fixed income) more power. Asset prices fall much faster than wages, on average.