[quote=AN][quote=SK in CV][quote=AN][quote=poorgradstudent]I’m certainly curious how the NRA will respond to the recent tragedies.[/quote]
I’m just as curious to see how the BLM movement and the president respond to the cop massacre.[/quote]
I’m still waiting to see how cops respond to the BLM movement. So far, it’s been mostly to do nothing but dismiss it. That strategy hasn’t worked out well for anyone.[/quote]
Agree. But at the same time, what is the BLM doing about the black on black killing in cities like Chicago?[/quote]
I’m not understanding what “Black on Black crime” has to do with the itchy trigger fingers of the police. I fail to see the correlation between the two problems.
Can you explain?
Whites are way more likely to be the victimized by another white person than by a member of any other group. So, if you’re white, living in a white neighborhood, you’re more likely to be murdered, raped, robbed, etc. by one of your neighbors than anyone else. We don’t hear about “white on white crime”. It wasn’t even a thing till recently. Why is that?
Historically, the black and white populations have been the largest segments in the US. Not discounting any other groups.
I also think we need to acknowledge that the police are shooting everyone not just blacks. I think the difference is that the black community is the first to actually acknowledge the problem and attempt to take action.
Take a look at the comments of any news article, YouTube video, Facebook post about police brutality and I guarantee, you find the some variation of the “but, he was a criminal so he deserved it comment”. This regardless of race but, it becomes more intense are the melanin level increases. The criminal offense may have a decade ago or not even proven through due process.
I find it really odd because this nation proclaims to be about rule of law, due process, and innocent until proven guilty but, it’s not really how we operate.