[quote=AN][quote=no_such_reality]AN, ironically, I think the current kid’s generation, the second half of Generation Y and the current post 2000 born children will be fine.
As much as they get dissed, they oddly, have been conditioned by technology to adapt, plagiarize and use.
I foresee more and more business shifting to ‘small business’ even though their revenues may be in the tens of millions or billions, like Valve.
When you look at Google, or Amazon and the ability to stand up so much professional business enterprise class functions by yourself just out of their app marketplaces and oddly, combine it with the mindset displayed in “The Four Hour Work Week”, the kids get it.
They’re used to thinking, I need an app to do X. And that app to do X is steadily approaching 99 cents.[/quote]
I think they will have to adapt or die just like us. The smart one, the ingenious one, the hard working one will be fine, just like us. You just can’t be lazy and depend on other to hand you your opportunity anymore.[/quote]
You keep referring to people who are not “like you” as lazy. Has it ever occurred to you that they might be harder-working, and even smarter than you? Some of the hardest workers are often the poorest, and I can show you many, many people with Ph.D.’s (even with your much-loved STEM degrees) who don’t even make $100K after decades on the job as a successful and proven employee.
BTW, you need to acknowledge the weakness of your STEM degree and start reading a few history/sociology/political science books. Those who are what you call “lazy” will not die, though they will adapt in a way that you will not like at all. They will kill those who they perceive to be impoverishing them and taking away their opportunities. It has always been that way. You cannot impoverish the majority of the population for the benefit of the few without some very negative effects, and God help you if you maintain the arrogant attitude that you are somehow better than they are, or “deserve” wealth and opportunity more than they do.