[quote=AN]It’s funny you feel that gasoline is over subsidized. I feel that green energy is over subsidized. I’m not complaining, because it’s benefiting me and I’m taking full advantage of it. However, I’m also aware of the amount if subsidy that people like me get. I.E. people with solar are not paying to maintain the grid, yet we use it. People with EV don’t pay gas tax, which is used to maintain the road, yet EV driver use it. Not to mention the obvious tax credit as well. We’re talking about $10k/car if you’re living CA.
I don’t think your example regarding food is a good analogy because I don’t think it’s as black and white as your food analogy. Yes, EV car itself doesn’t emit CO2. However, it has other harmful effect to the environment that ICE car doesn’t. Such as the disposal of battery once it reaches its life span. What will you do with it? You can melt down an ICE engine’s metal and reuse it. Can’t really do that with battery. Then there’s the question of where you’re getting the energy from. Keep in mind that most of US’s electricity is still coming from coal, which is much more dirtier than an ICE engine. How about the heavy equipment that are used to mine the rare minerals that are needed to create those battery.
Also, keep in mind that these subsidies are going to the top 10% of the population. Which I think is unfair in and of itself. I don’t think the bottom 90% of the people should have to subsidize something that only the top 10% can afford to get.[/quote]
“Fossil fuels are reaping support of $550 billion annually, according the International Energy Agency (IEA), an organisation that represents oil- and gas-consuming countries, more than four times those given for renewable energy. The International Monetary Fund’s estimates are substantially higher. It said in May that countries will spend $5.3 trillion subsiding oil, gas and coal in 2015, versus $2 trillion in 2011.” Economist July 2015
you go to different organizations and depending on which site you go to, you’ll get a different spin based on who is backing that website. But I would say the Economist is a pretty decent source.
1. on the grid issue, majority of solar customers were tier 4 customers that have been subsidizing the rest of the customers for ages. some temporary reprive from supporting the grid until the electric companies figure out how to bill solar customers is not what I would consider a major subsidy.
2. majority of roadway damages are caused by heavy trucks. most EVs are not the heavy enough to cause damage. in addition, a very small fraction of the overall fleet to really consider as a major subsidy. eventually this will change when EVs are more popular.
3. most of the gasoline subsidies are at the production end where it ends up in the pocket of Big Oil. whereas the tax credits are for the individual. So we should eliminate the tax credits for the individual but keep granting billions of subsidies for Big Oil????
4. EV batteries are not disposed. They are reused. After degradation down to 70%, it can be repurposed as electricity storage units. Have you seen pictures of bunch of old Prius batteries repurposed for a remote off grid ranger station that relies solely on solar, and use the repurposed batteries for energy storage? pretty cool example of things to come.
6. lithium is actually very abundant, it is just that demand is new, therefore the production capacity is new as well. as for the environmental impact of a gasoline driven world? I think the evidence is everywhere.
7. most of the subsidies are typically going to the top. something related to this site, mortage subsidies is one of the biggest one of them all at well over $100 billion. that is exceptionally unfair. but EVs are not limited to the rich, it is just that the rich/educated class are the ones buying them.