[quote=AN][quote=flu]Well, at least one politician is opposed to this….
I oppose SCA 5 as it is currently written. I do not support discrimination of any kind and believe that college admissions should be based upon academic and extracurricular factors.
Assemblymember Brian Maienschein
He gets my vote election time…[/quote]
He gets mine too. This is what his office has written back to me:
Thank you for taking the time to write in regarding SCA 5.
Assemblymember Maienschein shares your concerns and is currently opposed to this legislation as it is currently written.
Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Lance Witmondt
Office of Assemblymember Brian Maienschein, 77th District
I heard back from his office as well. I replied back with the following:
Rep Maienschein, thank you for writing back. I appreciate your opposition in regard to SCA 5.
I am extremely pessimistic in regard to our position. Given the Democrats do have an overwhelming majority, I do fear the practice of ochlocracy right here within our Great State of California.
What makes American Democracy work so well over our 238 year history is our willingness to protect minority rights. This is the fine line that separates true democracy from ochlocracy that is typical of sham democracies such as Egypt and Russia.
Arizona walked extremely close into total ochlocracy state with their most recent SB 1062. I fear California is going down the same path with SCA 5. Isn’t it amazing that while Arizona is beholden to extreme elements of the Republican party and California is beholden to extreme elements of the Democrats, these extreme forces are showing they are actually identical in their blatant disregard for the basic foundation of our democracy: protection of minority rights and basic fairness.
This is a tough and uphill battle we got ahead of us, as a minority under assault by the new majority, I ask for your help to keep our democracy a true democracy.