That’s awesome. We shop at Costco and spend $200+/month on fruit, milk and eggs for 5 of us.[/quote]
We don’t buy fruit from Costco. I find that a lot of times, Costco fruits are more expensive. If you look at the circular for the various supermarkets, you see the fruits they have on sale are cheaper than Costco and not all sales items are cheap. We also find Zion market veggies and fruit, a lot of time are cheaper too. Though not always. You just have to keep a mental note on what price is good for certain product and wait to see when a supermarket have it on sale at that price and you buy it. We tend to only buy non perishable stuff and frozen stuff from Costco. Eggs are often not the cheapest at Costco either. Costco eggs comes out to about $1.1/dozen. A lot of times, you can find eggs on sale for $0.99/dozen somewhere else.[/quote]
Wow, we must go through more food than you both do and probably spend more per item, too. We buy organic milk, eggs and fruit. We don’t spend money on much else, but food is the one area where we buy good quality and we really enjoy cooking and entertaining. Just checked on Vons.com, and the organic milk is over $6/gal., though we can get comparable milk for around $5/gal. Eggs run between $4-$5/dz. for the organic/hormone-free eggs. Needless to say, organic produce isn’t cheap, either.
AN, do your kids eat “adult-sized” meals, yet? That might be one factor that’s keeping your bills down. Of course, some kids eat very little. Ours…not so much.
We tried the Costco route but found that we couldn’t get out of there for less than ~$300, and still had to shop a week or so after that. Maybe we’ll have to try it again if you’re so successful doing it that way. Still, we have friends who shop at Costco, and their bills are as high as ours, or higher.