[quote=AN][quote=CA renter]Just for fun, here is an article written by someone who clearly wanted to prove that high taxes destroy and economy. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t able to show any correlation. It’s also interesting to note that the nations with the “lowest tax rates” also provided universal healthcare and other, more generous social safety nets for their citizens.
Reading through this blog, this description of Germany stands out to me:
[quote=quote] As recently as 2007, TheNewEditor.com reported that Germans were emigrating at their highest rate since the 1940′s, resulting in a “brain drain” on the nation’s brightest and most motivated people. As a result of “high taxes and bureaucracy, thousands of Germans have upped sticks for Austria and Switzerland, or emigrated to the United States” — 155,290 during the year in question, which rivals “levels last experienced in the 1940s during the chaotic aftermath of the Second World War.” Furthermore, emigrants are generally said to be highly motivated and educated, while those immigrating to Germany are increasingly poorer and less educated — perhaps more inclined to consume Germany’s generous social benefits.[/quote] I wonder why Finland is not experience the same problem as Germany?[/quote]
An article about Germany:
“They are fed up, truly fed up. Fed up with the constant bickering over the costs of wage benefits, social reforms, elimination of subsidies, store closing hours and all the other symbols of a country stuck in bureaucratic and legislative gridlock.
They are tired of living in country where landing a job is like playing the lottery, a country where not even half of citizens live from gainful employment and a country in which even academics in their mid-40s are already considered problem cases when it comes to job placement. In other words, they are fed up with living in a country where all opportunities already seem to be taken: opportunities to succeed in one’s career, to own property and to achieve prosperity.”