Also, in terms of racial profiling…90% of black homicides in this county come at the hands of other blacks. Is that due to racial profiling?
Blacks are 13% of the U.S. population and commit a disproportionate amount crimes such as robbery, aggravated assault and property crimes. Is that due to racial profiling? Is the elevated high school dropout rate for blacks due to racial profiling? Is the fact that 75% black households growing up without their fathers due to racial profiling?
My point is that racial profiling is a bad, bad thing, but it’s not really the main issue at all.
Everybody wants to see the black community make great strides and improvements. And obviously racial profiling happens in society and it is a horrible, horrible demeaning thing to happen to a person. But my point is people like Al Sharpton and the mainstream media seem come out of the woodwork and go nuts about something like this when they are nowhere to be seen with the bigger issues. Why isn’t Al Sharpton doing demonstrations and getting black celebrities out in force regarding the thousands of black on black murders? The George Zimmermans of the world are not the issue in the black community! Non blacks murdering blacks because of racial profiling is a TINY PERCENTAGE. A rounding error. This stuff gets every one off focus of the real issues and then the REAL problems never get addressed.
I also really tire of the liberal far left political correctness on racial issues (and for the record I am liberal on most social issues and fiscally conservative). I think liberals can be some of the worst racists of all, being racists of low expectations of a person ability to think for themselves & pull themselves up. The whole “victim ” mentality crap. They never want to hurt anyone’s feelings or step on anyone’s toes, so they perpetuate mis-truths just to be politically correct, and therefore progress is never made because the truth is never told. They fail to put much of the blame on the *personal responsibility* of the black community and continue to perpetuate the myth that “white racism” is to blame for everything. They fail to tell the truth that much of someones situation in life comes from the *personal decisions* they make and the *personal actions* they take. And no amount of Government funding is going to solve that. If you commit a crime that is a *personal decision* you make on your own, and you own that decision, that is NOBODY ELSES FAULT!
When you blame everything on “white racism”, it takes away the other parties personal responsibility and personal accountability. Any failure in your life you can just easily blame on white racism. “I committed this crime and abandoned my kids because of white racism”. “I’m in this situation in life because of white racism.” Of course none of it had anything at all to do with my personal decisions in life or own self discipline.
I really like what Bill Cosby has to say on the status of Black America and what needs to be done to improve it. He has been one of the most interesting voices on this topic IMO. He is big on personal responsibility and accountability, and not the whole bleeding heart liberal denial game. And it’s not stuff Al Sharpton would likely agree with, at least publicly.