Allan, you’re comments re: Bush above are fairly even and accurate. Many other posts on this thread are just partisan crap. Dishonest and disgusting. Middle-grounders such as myself (Eisenhower was a great president) have had it with the wingnuts. We have had it with the ‘base’.
The issues we face, GRAVE MATTERS, the economy, geopolitics, any number of issues — some of the responsibility tracks back to this partisan culture of dishonesty and infighting. The Clintons were bad. Bush and the current republicans have been worse. If you disagree with Bush’s economic policies but support all the rest, you’re still a partisan. If you equate democrats with communism and republicans with the flag, you’re not just a partisan, you suck.
The republican party of the past 15 years is in the process of being thrown overboard. We may get stuck with another Clinton for a couple of years, but eventually, one way or another, the country is going to turn the page.