[quote=Allan from Fallbrook] We’re now fundamentally an unserious country…….[/quote]
Anyone disagree with Alan, go to your television guide, and take a look at the listings. Sorta makes it difficult to dispute.
[quote=Allan from Fallbrook] We’re now fundamentally an unserious country. The nation that beat the Germans, Japanese and the Soviets and put a man on the moon, cannot figure out how to cap an oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. We wring our hands and point fingers and speechify, but don’t DO shit.[/quote]
Because that’s all that most Americans CAN do. If you don’t want to put the time and effort and energy into education – and this means for your entire life – you’re only capable of sitting around and pointing fingers.
This is my biggest gripe about all the pontificating and sign-waving that are going on, and accusations that are being irresponsibly (and, at times, falsely) flung. Most of these people aren’t angry because they’re concerned about the state of the nation. They’re pissed off about deficiencies in their own lives. Deficiencies that, much of the time, are the result of poorly-made personal choices.
But it’s so much more satisfying to bitch and moan about how people who are really Communists and Socialists are taking away our rights and our country. Especially since there are a lot of people in chatrooms and message boards who are saying exactly the same thing. And it really gets fun when we start talking about how we might have to load our guns and take matters into our own hands. It’s times like that when I can almost forget that I’m in a dead-end job because I thought school was boring and a joke, or that my wife lost hers because her employer downsized and chose to keep the more-dependable employee. Or that I’m in the late stages of foreclosure because I took out a giant risky loan to buy a house bigger than my sister’s, and then sucked all the equity out of it so that I could invest in a boat and matching fully-loaded Yukons for me and the wife. Or that I have $75K in credit card debt because I didn’t want my baby girl to have to face the other girls at school without the breast implants and nosejob she needed.
Seriously, there’s a lot going on in the US today that’s protest-worthy. But, as I said earlier, most of these people have no idea what they’re protesting against. They’re simply following some other opportunistic politician(s), repeating every word and phrase they’re fed, and accomplishing nothing but polarization in the process.
[quote=Allan from Fallbrook] Sorry to vent, but this crap drives me crazy. Get the fucking lawyers and politicians and lobbyists and “advocates” and psychologists the hell out of the way and let those of us that want to work and succeed and excel do exactly that.[/quote]
Gee, Alan, you’re starting to sound like Ayn Rand. I elect you to be John Galt in the film.