[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=ocrenter][quote=flu][quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Tax evasion is a crime.
Tax avoidance is a Constitutionally guaranteed right.[/quote]
Yes, and as long as romney followed the rules, I don’t see a problem with it at all.[/quote]
You don’t have a problem that Bain capital as well as other private equity firms spent millions to lobby for carried interest tax break that allow Romney to essentially follow his own rules on taxes?[/quote]
OCR: Oh, hell yeah, I have a problem with that. I have a problem with corporate welfare, too, and agribusiness subsidies and how the Pentagon is now a finishing school for the Military-Industrial Complex.
Like I said earlier: We (meaning us proles who aren’t in the oligarchy) have NO advocates in the professional political class and, yes, Brian, that includes BOTH the Dems and the GOP.
They don’t call the Senate the “Millionaire’s Club” for no reason.
Obama is about “authentically” black as Al Jolson. He’s as much a member of the 1% as Romney, given his background, which includes private prep, the Ivy League and law school. Okay, so he doesn’t have a bajillion dollars like Romney, but, believe you me, his net worth is considerable.
We need sweeping reform and we aren’t likely to get it. And I’d ask why. None of the problems we face as a nation are insoluble, nor are they insurmountable. To me, it looks like Simpson-Bowles came up with some good solutions. Why weren’t they implemented? I’m no expert on securities law, but it seems patently obvious that some seriously shady shit went down on Wall Street. Yet, no prosecutions. Hmmm, odd. We’re sitting idly by, while our government performs targeted assassinations of American citizens, intrudes into every aspect of our lives and blithely conducts wars without so much as a how-do-you-do.
We, as a nation, have been subjected to two generations of outright bullshit from our supposed “leaders” and now have fewer rights, less money and less freedom, while we’re busy fighting each other over stupid shit like gay marriage. And, no, Brian, I don’t mean gay marriage is stupid, I mean it’s a contrived “issue” that is sufficiently divisive to keep our focus off what’s really happening.